Qualifications Swanie Simon

    •    Three year training program for Animal Naturopath (Tierheilpraktiker) Certification in Germany
    •    Veterinary and non-veterinary Herbal Medicine
           ◦   Constitutional & Therapeutics and Materia Medica Course – Southwest School of Botanical Medicine with Michael Moore
           ◦   The Science and Art of Herbalism – Rosemary Gladstar
           ◦    Many years of study with Matthew Wood
           ◦   The Art and Science of Plant Medicine Making – Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine
           ◦   Graduate Diploma of Veterinary Western Herbal Medicine – College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies
    •    Nutrition Case Manager Program – World Veterinary Association
    •    Natural Animal Nutrition – College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies
    •    Homeopathy
    •    Mycotherapy
    •    Spagyrik
    •    Ozone Therapy
    •    TCVM – Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
    •    TCM – Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin
    •    Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine at Shenzhou Open University
    •    Continuing Education in TCM at Shenzhou Open University:
           ◦    Hyper- & Hypothyroidism and Resident Infections – Dr. Yifan Yang
           ◦    Chinese Herbal Medicine – Dr. Yifan Yang & Ray Mariën
           ◦    Syndrome Differentiation made Easy – Dr. Hui Jun Shen
           ◦    Migraine, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Sjogren’s Syndrome – Dr. Renxiang Ding
           ◦    Chinese Herbal Medicine – Continuing Professional Development
    •    Continuing Education in TCM and TCVM at Lotus Insitute of Integrative Medicine:
           ◦    Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Part I Tonic herbal formulas for small animals / Pain from bi syndrome in dogs and horses
           ◦    Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Part II Qi and blood tonifying formulas for small animals / Equine digestive problems
           ◦    Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Part III Behavior disorders in small animals / Kidney disorders in dogs and horses
           ◦    Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Part IV Geriatric small animals / Lameness in dogs and horses
           ◦    Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Part V Heat clearing formulas for dogs and horses / Treating blood stasis in small animals
           ◦    Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Part VI Skin and coat issues in dogs and horses / Congestive heart failure in small animals
           ◦    Safe and Effective Chinese Herbal Formulas for Pets – Dr. Signe Beebe DVM, CVA
           ◦    TCVM Cancer Therapy – Gary Allen DVM, Signe Beebe DVM, CVA
           ◦    Chinese Veterinary Food Therapy and Equine Skin Disorders – Gary Allen DVM, Signe Beebe DVM, CVA
           ◦    Introduction of Geriatrics and Kidney Disorders in TCVM – Michael Salewski DVM, Signe Beebe DVM, CVA
           ◦    TCVM Congestive Heart Failure & Dermatology – Michael Salewski, DVM & Signe Beebe, DVM
           ◦    TCM Tongue Diagnosis with Giovanni Maciocia – Giovanni Maciocia, OMD, LAc
           ◦    Treating Gastritis with Western and Chinese Medicine – Dr. John K. Chen
           ◦    Treating Gastroenteritis with Western and Chinese Medicine – Dr. John K. Chen
           ◦    Treating Hypothyroidism with Western and Oriental Medicine – Dr. John K. Chen
           ◦    Herb-Drug Interactions: An Advanced Class – Dr. John K. Chen
           ◦    Pain Management with Western and Chinese Medicine – Dr. John K. Chen
           ◦    TCM Endocrine Focus: Adrenal and Thyroid Health – Jake Fratkin
           ◦    Laboratory Test Results and Chinese Herbal Medicine (LN) – Matt Van Benschoten
           ◦    Integrating Chinese Herbology with Western Pharmacology: Clin. Appl. and Safety Concerns, Part I I
           ◦    Luo Channels and Muscle Channels – Giovanni Maciocia: Physiology, Pathology, and Acupuncture Treatment
    •    Introduction to Nutrigenomics – Understanding the New Science – Dr W Jean Dodds, DVM
    •    Nutrigenomics Approach to Weight Control – Dr W Jean Dodds, DVM
    •    Nutrigenomics Approach to Arthritis – Dr W Jean Dodds, DVM
    •    Diagnosis and Management of Food Intolerance – Dr W Jean Dodds, DVM
    •    Tongue & Pulse diagnosis (Human and Pet)
    •    Auricular acupuncture
    •    Homeopathy und acupuncture – Injections
    •    Neuraltherapy
    •    Cranio-Sacral-Therapy for Animals
    •    R.E.S.E.T “Rafferty Energy System to relieve the Temporomandibularjoint”
    •    Hirudo (Leech) Therapy for animals
    •    Irisdiagnostics for Animals
    •    Lymphatic drainage
    •    Gut cleansing & detoxification
    •    Wraps & compresses
    •    Tellington Touch for Animals
    •    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
    •    Cupping & Baunscheidt therapy
    •    Proof of expertise for over-the-counter medications (German Government certification)

As well as multiple internships with veterinarians and holistic practitioners.

For several years, I have been particularly engaged in traditional European medicine (TEM), as well as ancient traditional European or "shamanic" healing methods. In 2011, I successfully completed the three-year Mütternacht im Labyrinth shamanically inspired training with naturopath Hildegard Fuhrberg.

As part of the annual "GesundeHunde Treff" event that I organized for 12 years, I had the great opportunity to meet the following speakers and participate in their lectures and seminars: Juliette de Bairacli Levy, Dr. Erik Zimen, Gudrun Feltmann, Dr. med. Vet. Tom Lonsdale, Jan Fennell, Prof. Ronald Schultz, Monika Peichl, Prof. Dr. Leo Peichl, Ilka Reinhardt, Michael Grewe, Petra Stein, Dr. Udo Gansloßer, Vera Biber, Mogens Eliasen, Elli Radinger, Sally Askew, Hildegard Fuhrberg, Helmuth Wachtel & Marc Bekoff.
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