Lesson series

Holistic Nutrition for Dogs & Cats

Feel good about the food you're feeding your pet!
Give your pets the gift of optimal health with our comprehensive pet nutrition course, covering balanced diets, supplements, and nutritional support for various diseases, with a focus on fresh, whole foods.


Starting date



40 weeks
160+ Hours



Knowledge is Power

We believe that every animal deserves a
healthy natural diet

  • Trusted content
  • Expert teachers
  • Decades of experience
  • Practical material that makes sense
  • Thousands of happy students

Why should I take this course?

  • Are you concerned about your pet's health and well-being?
  • Are you tired of standing by helplessly, while your pet gets sicker and sicker?
  • Are you switching from pet food to pet food only to find your pet's symptoms recurring after a few weeks?
  • Are you tired of feeding your pet the same old processed pet food, without knowing what's in it?

If so, you're not alone. Many pet owners have been in your shoes, feeling frustrated and helpless in the face of their pet's health problems. More and more pet owners are becoming aware of the importance of nutrition in their pet's life, and are seeking out healthier alternatives.
That's where Holistic Nutrition for Pets comes in. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know about providing your pet with a healthy, balanced diet using whole, fresh foods, supplements and safe nutritional herbs. Our approach is based on the belief that nutrition is the foundation of good health, and that feeding your pet a holistic diet that is rich in nutrients can help prevent disease and promote health.
Unlike many other pet nutrition courses, we do not promote or recommend processed pet foods. Our focus is on whole, fresh foods that are packed with healthy nutrients that your pet needs to thrive. We teach about using the energetics of food as well as supplements and herbs to support your pet's immune system, aid digestion, and promote overall health.

But don't just take our word for it. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from enrolling in Holistic Nutrition for Pets:

  • A deeper understanding of the role of nutrition in your pet's health and well-being.
  • A solid foundation in anatomy & physiology of the digestive tract.
  • Knowledge of the best foods and supplements to support the immune system, digestion, and overall health.
  • Practical tips and advice on transitioning pets to a whole food diet.
  • The ability to create healthy, nutritious recipes and meal plans that pets will thrive on.
  • The tools you need to offer nutritional consultations for pet owners in your holistic practice.

Enrolling in Holistic Nutrition for Pets is an investment in your pet's health and happiness. You'll learn how to provide your pet with the nutrients they need to live a long, healthy life, and you'll feel confident knowing that you're doing the best you can for them.

Do you want to offer nutritional consultations for pets in your practice?

Then this course is right for you! In Holistic Nutrition for Pets you will get all the tools you need to offer competent nutritional consultations for pets presenting in your practice.

Sign up for our newsletter today!

Unit 1 Course Lessons

  • Anatomy: Digestive Tract of the Dog
  • Food: Grains & Dairy
  • Anatomy: The Digestive Tract of the Cat
  • Herbs & Other Foods
  • Physiology: Digestion & Nutrient Absorption
  • Diet plan: Calculation & Creation
  • Nutrients: Water, Fats & Carbohydrates
  • Switching to a Raw, Fresh Diet
  • Nutrients: Protein
  • Supplements
  • Nutrients: Vitamins & Minerals
  • Nutrition in Breeding
  • Energy: Calculation & Requirements
  • Feeding and Raising Puppies
  • Nutrient Requirements of the Dog
  • Nutrition in Cat Breeding and Rearing Kittens
  • Nutrient Requirements of the Cat
  • Natural Deworming
  • Food: Meat, Offal, Bones, Fish & Eggs
  • Zoopharmacognosy
  • Food: Oils & Fats
  • Nutrition for Senior Pets
  • Food: Vegetables & Fruits
  • When Pets Suffer From Illness

Unit 2 Course Lessons

  • Allergies
  • Heart Conditions
  • Food Intolerances
  • Cancer
  • Digestive problems
  • The Endocrine System
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Obesity
  • Endoparasites
  • Stomach and Intestinal Disorders
  • Ectoparasites
  • Pancreatic Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Tick-borne Diseases & Leishmaniasis
  • Supplements
  • Joint Disease
  • Enzymes
  • Urinary Tract Disease
  • Herbal Preparations
  • Kidney Disease
  • Materia Medica - Herbs
  • Liver Disease
  • Glossary
created & instructed by

Swanie Simon

With over 35 years of clinical experience as a naturopath for animals, I know what is needed, what works, and how to solve most problems that might arise in practice. My extremely popular courses in Germany have consistently sold out within days. I am now offering my Holistic Nutrition for Dogs & Cats class in English! Learn what holistic pet care really is and how to help your pet with simple and proven methods. Or start on your path to becoming an animal naturopath with one of Europe's most beloved teachers.
Bio Swanie >>
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